Forever Families

Pictures Of Past Fur-Babies From Happily Satisfied Clients * Click on Thumbnail to Enlarge Pictures *

Thank you, Matthew Pitre for sharing these precious pictures. Duke was purchased February 2016.

Duke is on the balcony. He has over 6 acres to roam & roan. Duke loves spending his days outside by the pond, lake and just lounging around. We had only had him about a week or so and he was in his “Discover everything” mode… coudn’t figure out why he couldn’t find his way. Everything was green! Everytime I would lay on the floor, he would come and sit by my face. This picture of him is priceless. Here we are watching TV together at dad’s house
Good evening! I just wanted to touch base with you guys, we had purchased a pom from you back in Feb of 2016. He turned 1 year on 12/23/16. I’m sending you guys a few pictures of him, he’s a beautiful dog. He’s got an incredible personality, and every day he shares that there’s never a dull moment in his life! I’ll explain the photos one by one! Please let me know when you guys have new puppies available, we are strongly considering getting Duke a brother/sister companion, as well as a second bundle of love to spoil. -Matt & Joe

June 2016: David, Suzanne Little and their fur-family Ella-Lan, Copper - Orange Pom, Koda - Parti

Tommen (aka Michael) owned by Kerri Dooley is enjoying his new fur-ever family. Tommen’s parents are Missy & Prince. Isn’t he a cutie?! <3 4/11/2016
Gary & Janie, Thank you so much. We are so happy to welcome Michael into our home. He is a such a ray of sunshine to our lives. His personality is adorable & he is so smart already. His first toy is a squeaky toy dragon and we changed his named to Tommen. He seems to like it ok. LOL. He loves to walk around the neighborhood & lay in the grass mostly. He goes everywhere with us and always gives us lots of kisses. He learned to walk up stairs today. It’s a work in progress. Again thank you so much. I just wanted to give you an update on how he’s doing. Kerri & Nathan

Leo sporting his bowtie like a big boy! Feb 2016

Lindsay Christine wanted to share some precious updated pictures of her fur-ever fur-baby LEO. Isn’t he a handsome boy! Thank you for sharing! We love seeing updated pics of our fur-babies with their fur-ever families! December 2015

Tatum and I would like to say Happy Birthday to Zek and hello to the rest of the family. I’m so blessed and thankful for coming upon your site last year when I was on the search for a fur-baby. My Pomeranian, Tatum, is my world! I love him with all of my heart, and I will always recommend your business to anyone that wants to loving pom in their life. Take Care!! Kristina Kayla

(Tatum was sired by Zek and Snowflake)

We love our "Little Bear" Jerilyn MacFadden Price 9/30/2015

10/18/2015 – GeeGee Meeks: Bo is growing up so fast. Just wanted to let ;you all know how things were going. She gets so much attention when we are out. LOL. She steals the show! I love her! Thank you so much!
Thanks for letting me adopt one of your pom babies. I appreciate it. I adore my little baby. Here are some pictures of her. She’s such a character. LOL. and looks exactly like her dad/you baby Oscar (R.I.P.)
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